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USD 417

Grade Range:
Title 1 Status: ---
Accreditation Status: Accredited
Phone: (620) 767-5192


Building: N/A
District: 767
State: 478,858

Longitudinal Performance Level Reports

No assessment data available for 2013-2014

Due to the Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) cyberattack on the Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation (CETE) during the 2014 testing window no assessment scores were reported for 2013-2014.

No assessment data available for 2019-2020

On March 20, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 National Emergency, the U.S. Department of Education (USDoE) invited each state educational agency to request a waiver for the 2019-2020 school year of assessment, accountability and school identification and certain reporting requirements. On April 21, 2020 the USDoE approved the Kansas waiver. As a result, the Kansas State Department of Education did not administer the state assessments scheduled for spring 2020. You will notice that there is no assessment data displayed for school year 2019-2020 on the Report Card. Additionally, no schools were classified for Annual Meaningful Differentiation or for Title I services and supports.

*To protect student privacy, when a subgroup has fewer than 10 students the data is not displayed.

Percent in each Performance Category and Percent Not Tested

Organization Level Program Year % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 % Not Tested
Organization Level % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 % Level 5 % Not Tested

Download Full Results (Large File - 28-68 MB)   (includes all applicable subjects, districts, buildings, grades and subgroups)
*To protect student privacy, when a subgroup has fewer than 10 students assessed, the data will not be displayed in the download file.

Students with Disabilities - By Test Type - All Grades

Test Type Level 1 % Level 1 Level 2 % Level 2 Level 3 % Level 3 Level 4 % Level 4 Total

Additional Information

Math Assessment Results

Kansas assessment results are now reported in four levels. Level 1 indicates that a student shows a limited ability to understand and use the mathematics skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 2 indicates that a student shows a basic ability to understand and use the mathematics skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 3 indicates that a student shows an effective ability to understand and use the mathematics skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 4 indicates that a student shows an excellent ability to understand and use the mathematics skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success.

Building, district, and state-level reports provide summaries of the percent of students at each performance level. Assessment results capture a point-in-time and represent one part of a student’s and schools’ overall educational experience.

(To protect student privacy, when a subgroup has fewer than 10 students the data is not displayed.)

ELA Assessment Results

Kansas assessment results are now reported in four levels. Level 1 indicates that a student shows a limited ability to understand and use the English Language arts skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 2 indicates that a student shows a basic ability to understand and use the English Language arts skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 3 indicates that a student shows an effective ability to understand and use the English Language arts skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 4 indicates that a student shows an excellent ability to understand and use the English Language arts skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success.

Building, district, and state-level reports provide summaries of the percent of students at each performance level. Assessment results capture a point-in-time and represent one part of a student’s and schools’ overall educational experience.

(To protect student privacy, when a subgroup has fewer than 10 students the data is not displayed.)

Science Assessment Results

Kansas assessment results are now reported in four levels. Level 1 indicates that a student shows a limited ability to understand and use the Science skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 2 indicates that a student shows a basic ability to understand and use the Science skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 3 indicates that a student shows an effective ability to understand and use the Science skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success. Level 4 indicates that a student shows an excellent ability to understand and use the Science s skills and knowledge needed to be academically prepared for postsecondary success.

Building, district, and state-level reports provide summaries of the percent of students at each performance level. Assessment results capture a point-in-time and represent one part of a student’s and schools’ overall educational experience.

(To protect student privacy, when a subgroup has fewer than 10 students the data is not displayed.)


The Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessment System lets students with the most significant cognitive disabilities show what they know in ways that traditional multiple-choice test cannot. The DLM system is designed to map a student’s instruction and learning throughout the year using items and tasks that are embedded in day-to-day instruction.

History & Government

2017-2018 was the last school year Kansas administered a state-level History, Government, Social Studies (HGSS) assessment. No state level HGSS assessment was given from 2018 through 2022. Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year development began on a new, local, class-room based HGSS assessment. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year the new HGSS CBA will be required for grades 4, 7, and either grade 10, 11, or 12.

The Kansas History, Government, Social Studies Classroom-Based Assessment (HGSS CBA) is designed to measure student understanding of the Kansas History, Government, and Social Studies standards, benchmarks and skills while allowing Kansas school districts, classroom teachers and students the opportunity to develop their own assessment that best supports local decisions concerning content, sources, and products. The HGSS CBA is based on the fourth benchmark outlined in the state standards document. Using skills developed during content-based instructional tasks and activities, a student will create a cohesive product using grade-level appropriate communication skills that answer a locally developed compelling question focused on one or more of the five standards (i.e., choices, consequences, rights, responsibilities, identities, beliefs, ideas, actions, continuity, change or dynamic relationships).

*Please note: Results from the History, Government, Social Studies Classroom-Based Assessment (HGSS CBA) are not posted on the Report Card.

Math Assessment Resources:

For each of the four Performance Levels there are specific subject and grade-level Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs). PLDs define what students should know and be able to do at each of the four performance levels. For a deeper understanding of the assessment results and what the Performance Levels mean please go to

ELA Assessment Resources:

For each of the four Performance Levels there are specific subject and grade-level Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs). PLDs define what students should know and be able to do at each of the four performance levels. For a deeper understanding of the assessment results and what the Performance Levels mean please go to

Science Assessment Resources:

For each of the four Performance Levels there are specific subject and grade-level Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs). PLDs define what students should know and be able to do at each of the four performance levels. For a deeper understanding of the assessment results and what the Performance Levels mean please go to

DLM Resources:

Parent Interpretive Guide IM

Talking to Parents about Score Reports IM

Kansas Assessment Program


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Topeka, KS 66612

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To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations regarding accessibility please contact the Office of General Counsel by email or at 785-296-3201.